Practice Area

Intellectual Property

관리자 2019.11.01 14:14 View 880
Intellectual Property, Patents, Trade Secrets

The importance of intellectual property and information in the modern world cannot be overemphasized at all.

Intellectual property, an intangible asset, is not only the source of new value added but now it is a value itself. In this regard, it is inevitable to have increasing legal disputes on intellectual property rights. More than anything else, disputes involving intellectual property rights require an assistant with deep expertise and experience in both the technology and the law. Attorney Oh suwon, studied mechanical design at Seoul National University and the Graduate school, has served as a patent examiner at the Korean Intellectual Property office for more than 10 years and after his resignation, he worked as an attorney at Korea Intellectual Property office, member of the space accident investigation committee at the Ministry of Science & Technology experiencing various legal cases on related to Intellectual Properties. Currently, Mr. Oh is also a member of the Trade Committee of the Ministry of Trade and Industry & Energy.  


- Litigations on IP infringements and claims of Damage (Infringement Prohibition)

- Representing Criminal Claim Proxy related to IP Infringement 

- Representing Invalidation of Patent and Declaratory Judgement on the Scope of a IP Right

- Representing an Action for Nullity for the decisions from IP Tribunal 

- Advising Duty Invention Compensation and Regulations 

- Valuating the IP infringement


- Advising License In&out Contract 

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