/*************************************************************************************** * comon function ***************************************************************************************/ function i18n_error(e){ if('object' != typeof e){ return ''; } if(window.console && window.console.log){ window.console.log(e.stack); } return ''; } function load_i18n(pName, pLang) { if (!pLang || pLang == 'ko') { return; } try{ jQuery.i18n.properties({ name : pName, path : '/common/js/i18n/files/', mode : 'both', language : pLang, async : false }); }catch(e){ return i18n_error(e); } } function i18n(msg) { try{ var args = msg.split(':'); var pLang = __SUB_SITE_LANG_TYPE__ || 'ko'; if (pLang == 'ko') { return args[1] || args[0]; } var key_name = args[0]; var key_prop = "\""+ args[0] + "\""; var result = eval("jQuery.i18n.prop(" + key_prop + ")"); if (result == '' || result == key_name || result == '['+ key_name +']') { if (args.length > 1) { args.splice(0, 1); result = args.join(':'); } } return result; }catch(e){ return i18n_error(e); } } try{ if('undefined' != typeof __SUB_SITE_LANG_TYPE__){ load_i18n("durian.common", __SUB_SITE_LANG_TYPE__); }else{ load_i18n("durian.common", 'ko'); } }catch(e){} var Durian = { dialogForm: function(args) { var defaultVal = { target: '', title: '', width: 300 }; var opt = jQuery.extend(defaultVal, args); jQuery(opt.target).dialog({ modal: true, width: opt.width, title: opt.title, buttons: { '확인': function() { if( jQuery.isFunction(opt.callBack) ) { opt.callBack.call(); } }, '취소': function() { jQuery( this ).dialog( "close" ); } }, close: function(event, ui) { } }); var cssData= { '.ui-dialog-title': {'font-weight':'bold', 'font-size':'12px', 'font-family':'Verdana,Arial,sans-serif'}, '.ui-dialog-content': {'font-size':'12px', 'font-family':'Verdana,Arial,sans-serif'}, '.ui-dialog-buttonset': {'height':'30px','font-size':'12px', 'font-family':'Verdana,Arial,sans-serif'}, '.ui-dialog-buttonset button': {'height':'25px', 'padding':'0'}, '.ui-dialog-buttonset button span': {'line-height':'12px'} }; 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}, alertLayer : function(layer, msg) { Durian.showLayer(layer, { center : true, key : true, block : true }) $id('__alert_msg__').innerHTML = msg; }, alertCloseMode : 0, alertCloseFocusObject : null, block : true, alertClose : function() { if (/^[+-]?[0-9]$/.test(Durian.alertCloseMode)) { Durian.alertCloseMode = parseInt(Durian.alertCloseMode, 10); } if (typeof Durian.alertCloseMode == 'string' && Durian.alertCloseMode != '') { location.href = Durian.alertCloseMode; } else if (typeof Durian.alertCloseMode == 'number') { switch (Durian.alertCloseMode) { case -2 : self.close(); break; case -1 : history.back(); break; case 1 : location.reload(true); break; case 2 : opener.location.reload(); self.close(); break; } //jQuery.unblockUI(); if (Durian.alertCloseFocusObject) { try { Durian.alertCloseFocusObject.focus(); } catch (e) {} Durian.alertCloseFocusObject = null; } } }, alertCallback : function(r) { if (r.isSuccess()) { var layer = $c('div'); layer.id = '__alert__'; Element.setStyle(layer, { padding : '0 0 0 0' }) document.body.appendChild(layer); layer.innerHTML = r.value; Durian.alertLayer(layer, this.param.msg); } else { alert(this.param.msg); } }, showIf : function(obj, value) { if (value) { Element.show(obj); } else { Element.hide(obj); } }, showHide : function(show, hide, display) { if (hide) { hide = $array(hide); for (var i=0; i'; obj.iframe = obj.childNodes[0]; // show layer this.showLayer(obj, option); // url if (typeof option.url == 'string') { obj.iframe.src = option.url; } } }, closeFrameLayer : function(id) { id = '__frame_layer_' + (id || 'common'); var obj = $id(id); Durian.showLayerClose(obj); }, autoResizeIframe : function(iframe) { Util.autoResizeIframe(iframe); var obj = iframe.parentNode; if (obj.option) { if (obj.option.center) { var pos = Element.getCenter(obj); Element.moveTo(obj, pos); } } }, // iframe resizing resizeIframe : function(iframe, height) { var iframe = $id(iframe); if (typeof iframe != 'undefined') { if (height > 0) { Element.setStyle(iframe, 'height', height); } else { Util.autoResizeIframe(iframe, true, false); 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}, // modal window openModalWin : function(url, x, y, resize, arg) { if (window.showModalDialog) { return Durian.openWin('', url, x, y, resize); } else { return window.showModalDialog(url, arg || self, 'dialogHeight: '+y+'px; dialogWidth: '+x+'px; edge: Raised; center: Yes; help: No; resizable: '+resize+'; status: No; scroll: No;'); } }, // clipboard copy - ZeroClipboard attachClipCopy : function(obj, callback, endCallback) { if (obj instanceof Array) { if (!obj.length) { return; } } else if (obj) { obj = [obj]; } else { return; } ZeroClipboard.setMoviePath('/common/js/ZeroClipboard/ZeroClipboard.swf'); var clip = new ZeroClipboard.Client(); clip.setHandCursor(true); clip.addEventListener('mousedown', callback); if (endCallback) { clip.addEventListener('complete', endCallback); } clip.glue(obj[0]); obj.each(function(el) { el.clip = clip; return el; }); $l(obj, 'mouseover', Durian._attachClipCopy.bindForEvent(clip)); }, _attachClipCopy : function(evt, obj) { //if (this.domElement != obj) { this.reposition(obj); //} }, imgDefault : function(img, src, widthParam) { src = decodeURIComponent(src); if (!src || /^[0-9]+$/.test(src) || img.src.search(src) > -1) { var width = 100; var default_prefix = 'default_'; if( widthParam ) { size = widthParam; } else { size = parseInt((src || img.width || img.getAttribute('width')), 10) || 100; } if( src == '#lock' ) { default_prefix = 'lock_'; } if (size <= 50) { fixSize = 50; } else if (size <= 100) { fixSize = 100; } else if (size <= 300) { fixSize = 300; } else { fixSize = 500; } src = '/images/default/common/'+default_prefix+fixSize+'.gif'; } if (img.src.search(src) == -1) { img.src = src; } }, imgResize : function(img, maxW, maxH) { if (maxW) { if (img.width > maxW) { img.width = maxW; } } if (maxH) { if (img.width > maxH) { img.width = maxH; } } }, formatPrice : function(value, forceSign) { var number = parseInt(value, 10); if (number < 0) { var sign = '-'; } else if (forceSign && number > 0) { var sign = '+'; } else { var sign = ''; } var value = ('' + value).trim().replace(/[^0-9]/, ''); var gap = value.length % 3 || 3; var str = value.slice(0, gap); value = value.slice(gap); while (value) { str += ',' + value.slice(0, 3); value = value.slice(3); } return sign + str; }, // upload checkUploadCount : function(option) { option = Class.extend(option || {}); var max = parseInt(option.max, 10) || 0; if (!max) { return true; } var count = count2 = 0; if (typeof option.single != 'undefined' && option.single == true) { count = !option.file_path ? 0 : 1; count2 = !option.db_file_path ? 0 : 1; } else { if (typeof option.list != 'undefined') { var list_child = option.list.childNodes; for (i = 0; i < list_child.length; i++) { if (list_child[i].nodeType == 1) { count++; } } } if (typeof option.db_list != 'undefined') { var db_list_child = option.db_list.childNodes; for (i = 0; i < db_list_child.length; i++) { if (db_list_child[i].nodeType == 1) { count2++; } } } } var total = count + count2; if (max <= total) { alert(i18n('lang.durian.common.limit_uploading_file:첨부파일은 최대') + ' ' + max + i18n('lang.durian.common.permitted_count:개까지 업로드 가능합니다.')); return false; } else { return true; } }, openUploadWin : function(option) { if( Durian.isHanDomain() || Durian.isMobilePath() ) { Durian.openUploadWinSingle(option); return; } option = Class.extend({ act : 'common.popup_upload_multi', ch : 'pop', upload_mode : 'FILE' }, option || {}); var domain = 'http://' + Durian.getDomain(); var img_server = 'http://' + Durian.getImgServer(); option.domain = domain; var query = ''.encodeQuery(option); return Durian.openWin('upload', img_server + '/?' + query, 570, 388, 'no'); }, openUploadWinSingle : function(option) { option = Class.extend({ act : 'common.popup_upload', ch : 'pop', upload_mode : 'FILE' }, option || {}); var domain = 'http://' + Durian.getDomain(); var img_server = 'http://' + Durian.getImgServer(); option.domain = domain; var query = ''.encodeQuery(option); return Durian.openWin('upload', img_server + '?' + query, 350, 150, 'no'); }, ajaxDeleteFile : function(option, obj) { option = Class.extend({ act : 'common.upload_delete_ajax', upload_mode : 'FILE' }, option || {}); new Ajax({ url : './', method : 'post', type : 'JSON', param : option, callback : Durian.ajaxDeleteFileCallback, obj : obj }); }, ajaxDeleteFileCallback : function(r) { if (r.isSuccess()) { var success = r.value.success; if (success) { applyDeleteFile(r, this.obj); } else { alert(r.value.msg); } } }, getDomain : function() { return location.href.split('/')[2]; }, getBaseDomain : function() { var domain = Durian.getDomain(); // ip if (domain.search(/^[0-9\.]+$/) > -1) { return domain; } return domain.replace(/^(www|img|m|home|desk|mail|contact|calendar|cafe|tax|marketing|site|stat|setting)\./, ''); }, isHanDomain : function() { var baseDomain = Durian.getBaseDomain(); var regExp = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]+$/; if ( regExp.test(baseDomain) && baseDomain.substr(0, 4) != 'xn--' ) { return false; } else { return true; } }, getImgServer : function() { return Durian.getDomain(); }, // Editor initEditor : function(option) { if (option.mode == 'ALL') { var area = (option.area) ? $id(option.area) : document; option.item = jQuery('textarea', area).get(); } else { if (typeof option.item == 'string') { option.item = option.item.split(','); } else if (!option.item) { // error alert('ERROR : Invalid Editor Configuration.'); return; } } if (!(option.item instanceof Array)) { option.item = [option.item]; } // update modified data if exists Durian.updateEditor(option.item); // remove old editor if exists Durian.removeEditor(option.item); var defaultEditor = 'cheditor'; var type = defaultEditor; if (option.useType) { type = option.type || Util.getCookie('HTML_EDITOR') || defaultEditor; } var result; switch (type) { case 'codemirror' : result = Durian.initCodeMirror(option); break; case 'naver' : result = Durian.initNaverEditor(option); break; default : type = defaultEditor; result = Durian.initCHEditor(option); break; } if (option.useType) { Util.setCookie('HTML_EDITOR', type, 86400 & 7, '/', Durian.getBaseDomain()); jQuery('.editor_change_box button') .removeClass('on') .filter('button[editorType="' + type + '"]').addClass('on'); } return result; }, initCodeMirror : function(option) { for (var i=0; i' || obj.value == '


') { obj.value = ''; } } else { // need not } // fix codemirror confilct // change codemirror because codemirror change textarea value when form submit if (obj.editorCodeMirror) { obj.editorCodeMirror.setValue(obj.value); } } }, removeEditor : function(item) { if (!(item instanceof Array)) { item = [item]; } for (var i=0; i -1) { Durian.displayFlash(url, width, height); } else { Durian.displayImage(url, width, height); } }, displayImage : function(url, width, height) { if (width && height) { var size = 'width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '"'; } else { var size = ''; } var html = ''; document.write(html); }, // displayFlash displayFlash : function(url, width, height, id, vars, wmode, bg, scriptAccess) { var html = Durian.getFlashHTML(url, width, height, id, vars, wmode, bg); document.write(html); }, getFlashHTML : function(url, width, height, id, vars, wmode, bg, scriptAccess) { if (width && height) { var size = 'width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '"'; } else { var size = 'width="100%"'; } if (!id) { id = Util.randomId(4, 'flash'); } if (!vars) { vars = ''; } if (!wmode) { wmode = 'transparent'; } if (!bg) { bg = ''; } if (!scriptAccess) { scriptAccess = 'sameDomain'; } var html = '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + ' ' + '' + '' + '' + ''; return html; }, // block page blockPage : function(zIndex, color, blockBindEvents) { if (!zIndex) { zIndex = 1000; } jQuery.blockUI.defaults.overlayCSS = { 'baseZ':zIndex, 'cursor': 'default', 'backgroundColor': color, 'opacity': 0.5 }; jQuery.blockUI({ message: '', bindEvents: blockBindEvents }); }, // add bookmark // refered to http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex9/addbook.htm bookmark : function(url, title) { if (Util.isIE) { window.external.AddFavorite(url, title); } else if (Util.isFF) { window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url, ''); } else if (Util.isOpera) { var elem = document.createElement('a'); elem.setAttribute('href',url); elem.setAttribute('title',title); elem.setAttribute('rel', 'sidebar'); elem.click(); } }, isMobile : function() { // test mode //return true; if (window.navigator.userAgent.search(/(iphone|samsung|lgtel|mobile)/i) != -1) { return true; } else { return false; } }, isMobilePath : function() { var thisPath = document.location.pathname; if(thisPath == '/mobile/') { return true; } else { return false; } }, applyHiddenSubmit : function(formName, debug) { var form = document.forms[formName]; form.target = '__hidden_frame__'; var iframe = $id('__hidden_frame__') if (!iframe) { iframe = $c('iframe'); iframe.id = iframe.name = '__hidden_frame__'; iframe.setAttribute('width', debug ? '100%' : '0'); iframe.setAttribute('height', debug ? '100' : '0'); iframe.setAttribute('frameborder', debug ? '1' : '0'); iframe.setAttribute('border', debug ? '1' : '0'); document.body.appendChild(iframe); } }, increaseClientAutoSize : function() { if (typeof Durian.initCommon.clientOldSize == 'undefined') { alert('undefined'); return false; } var clientCurSize = Util.getDocSize(); var increaseX = 0; var increaseY = 0; if( Durian.initCommon.clientCurSize.width < clientCurSize.width ) { increaseX = clientCurSize.width - Durian.initCommon.clientCurSize.width; } if( Durian.initCommon.clientCurSize.height < clientCurSize.height ) { increaseY = clientCurSize.height - Durian.initCommon.clientCurSize.height; } Durian.initCommon.clientCurSize = clientCurSize; window.resizeBy(increaseX, increaseY); }, setHeadCss :function(cssTxt) { if(!cssTxt) return false; var cssObj = document.createElement('style'); var headObj = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; cssObj.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); if(cssObj.styleSheet) { cssObj.styleSheet.cssText = cssTxt; } else { cssObj.appendChild(document.createTextNode(cssTxt)); } headObj.appendChild(cssObj); }, setTargetCss: function(cssData) { jQuery.each(cssData, function(key) { jQuery(key).css(this); }); }, setCenter : function(baseObj, targetObj, useScroll) { if( useScroll ) { scrollLeft = jQuery(window).scrollLeft(); scrollTop = jQuery(window).scrollTop(); } else { scrollLeft = 0; scrollTop = 0; } var posX = (jQuery(baseObj).width() - jQuery(targetObj).width()+scrollLeft) / 2; var posY = (jQuery(baseObj).height() - jQuery(targetObj).height()+scrollTop) /2; //alert(jQuery(baseObj).width()+' / '+jQuery(targetObj).width()); jQuery(targetObj).css({'top':posY+'px', 'left':posX+'px'}); }, fixFlash : function() { // loop through every embed tag on the site var embeds = document.getElementsByTagName('embed'); for(i=0; i/i)) new_object = html.replace(//i,""); // add a new wmode parameter else new_object = html.replace(/<\/object\>/i,"\n"); // loop through each of the param tags var children = object.childNodes; for(j=0; j/i,""); } } catch (e) {} } // replace the old embed object with the fixed versiony object.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeBegin',new_object); object.parentNode.removeChild(object); } } }, onlyNumericInput : function(selector, useComma, callBack, useMinus) { jQuery(selector).keypress(function(event){ if (event.which && (event.which > 47 && event.which < 58 || event.which == 8 || (event.which == 45 && useMinus) )) { // true } else { // false event.preventDefault(); } var num = jQuery(this).val().replace(/\,/g,'').replace(/--/g,'-'); if( num.length > 14 ) { event.preventDefault(); } }).focus(function(){ jQuery(this).select(); }).keyup(function(){ if( !jQuery(this).val() ) return false; var num = jQuery(this).val().replace(/\,/g,'').replace(/--/g,'-'); if( useMinus && isNaN(parseInt(num)) ) { jQuery(this).val(num); return false; } if(useComma) { jQuery(this).val( Durian.formatPrice(parseInt(num)) ); } if( jQuery.isFunction(callBack) ) { callBack.call(this); } }).bind('paste', function(event){ // 숫자만 입력할 경우 붙여넣기 금지 event.preventDefault(); }).css({'ime-mode':'disabled'}); }, dateFormat : function(dt, fmt) { // dt: new Date() return fmt.replace(/(Y|y|m|d|h|H|i|s|am|pm)/gi, function($1){ switch ($1){ case 'Y': return dt.getFullYear(); case 'y': return dt.getFullYear().toString().substr(2); case 'm': return (m = dt.getMonth()+1) < 10 ? '0'+m : m; case 'd': return (d = dt.getDate()) < 10 ? '0'+d : d; case 'h': return (h = dt.getHours() % 12) ? (h < 10 ? '0'+h : h) : 12; case 'H': return (H = dt.getHours()) < 10 ? '0'+H : H; case 'i': return (i = dt.getMinutes()) < 10 ? '0'+i : i; case 's': return (s = dt.getSeconds()) < 10 ? '0'+s : s; case 'am': return dt.getHours() < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm'; case 'pm': return dt.getHours() < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm'; } } ); }, debug : function(msg) { if( !jQuery('#debug').size() ) { jQuery('body').append('


'); } jQuery('#debug').html(msg+'
'+jQuery('#debug').html() ); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // init common Durian.initCommon = { isCafe : location.href.indexOf('/cafe/') != -1 ? true : false, isUser : location.href.indexOf('/admin/') == -1 ? true : false, isPopup : location.href.search(/&ch=(pop|iframe)/) > -1 ? true : false, clientOldSize: {}, clientCurSize: {}, init : function() { var D = Durian.initCommon; D.clientOldSize = D.clientCurSize = Util.getDocSize(); // user if (D.isUser && !D.isCafe) { D.initUser(); } // common // inputbox //D.initInputBox(); }, // user initUser : function() { var D = Durian.initCommon; // fly try { var obj_fly = ['L_TODAY_GOODS', 'L_QUICK_MENU']; for (var i=0; i -1) { $l(list[j], 'click', D.onPopViewBBS); } } } } } catch (e) {} // popup launch if (!D.isPopup) { D.initPopup(); } // ban mouse right button down function right(e) { return false; } // document.onmousedown=right; // document.oncontextmenu=right; // document.ondragstart =right; // document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false"); // if (document.layers) window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); // window.onmousedown=right; }, // popup initPopup : function() { var D = Durian.initCommon; // not use in /mobile/ path if (typeof __MOBILE__ != 'undefined' && __MOBILE__) { return false; } var data = Util.getCookie('POPUP_DATA'); if (!data) { D.getPopupListAjax(); } else if (data != '-1') { D.applyPopup(data); } }, applyPopup : function(data) { var D = Durian.initCommon; var query = location.href.parseQuery(true); var list = data.split('|^|'); for (var i=0; i 1) { obj.style.top = (top + parseInt(gap/2, 10)) + 'px'; flag = true; if (typeof Wizard != 'undefined' && obj.observer) { Wizard.hideObserver(obj.getAttribute('module')); } } else { obj.style.top = (top + gap) + 'px'; if (typeof Wizard != 'undefined' && obj.observer) { Wizard.refreshObserver(obj.getAttribute('module')); } } } if (flag) { D.scrollTimer = setTimeout(D.scrollPlay, D.scrollDelay); } }, onPopViewBBS : function(evt, obj) { Event.stop(evt); var url = obj.href; var match = url.match(/&bbs_code=([^&]+)/); var bbs_code = (typeof match[1] != 'undefined') ? match[1] : 'bbs_dummy'; Durian.openWin(bbs_code, url, 700, 500, 'yes'); } } /*************************************************************************************** * module function ***************************************************************************************/ // for board Durian.modBoard = { alert : function(type) { var txt = ''; switch(type) { case 1: txt = i18n('lang.durian.common.this_thread_is_secret:해당게시물은 비밀글입니다.'); break; } Durian.alert(txt); }, imgReSize : function(obj, resizeW, resizeH) { jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(obj).each(function() { var width = jQuery(this).width(); var height= jQuery(this).height(); var ratio = Math.min(resizeW/width, resizeH/height); if( width > resizeW || height > resizeH) { jQuery(this).width(width * ratio); } jQuery(this).show(); }); }); } } /*************************************************************************************** * JSON fucntion ***************************************************************************************/ Durian.Json = { encode: function(jsonObject) { if (jsonObject.constructor.toString().indexOf('Array') > 0) { var a = ['['], b, i, l = jsonObject.length, v; for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { v = jsonObject[i]; switch (typeof v) { case 'undefined': case 'function': case 'unknown': break; default: if (b) { a.push(','); } a.push(v === null ? "null" : Durian.Json.encode(v)); b = true; } } a.push(']'); return a.join(''); } else if (jsonObject.constructor.toString().indexOf('Boolean') > 0) { return String(jsonObject); } else if (jsonObject.constructor.toString().indexOf('Date') > 0) { function f(n) { return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n; } return '"' + jsonObject.getFullYear() + '-' + f(jsonObject.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + f(jsonObject.getDate()) + 'T' + f(jsonObject.getHours()) + ':' + f(jsonObject.getMinutes()) + ':' + f(jsonObject.getSeconds()) + '"'; } else if (jsonObject.constructor.toString().indexOf('Number') > 0) { return isFinite(jsonObject) ? String(jsonObject) : "null"; } else if (jsonObject.constructor.toString().indexOf('Object') > 0) { var a = ['{'], b, i, v; for (i in jsonObject) { if (jsonObject.hasOwnProperty(i)) { v = jsonObject[i]; switch (typeof v) { case 'undefined': case 'function': case 'unknown': break; default: if (b) { a.push(','); } a.push(Durian.Json.encode(i), ':', v === null ? "null" : Durian.Json.encode(v)); b = true; } } } a.push('}'); return a.join(''); } else if (jsonObject.constructor.toString().indexOf('String') > 0) { var m = { '\b': '\\b', '\t': '\\t', '\n': '\\n', '\f': '\\f', '\r': '\\r', '"' : '\\"', '\\': '\\\\' }; if (/["\\\x00-\x1f]/.test(jsonObject)) { return '"' + jsonObject.replace(/([\x00-\x1f\\"])/g, function(a, b) { var c = m[b]; if (c) { return c; } c = b.charCodeAt(); return '\\u00' + Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) + (c % 16).toString(16); }) + '"'; } return '"' + jsonObject + '"'; } else { return null; } }, decode: function(jsonString) { try { if (/^("(\\.|[^"\\\n\r])*?"|[,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t])+?$/.test(jsonString)) { return eval('(' + jsonString + ')'); } } catch (e) { throw new SyntaxError("parseJSON"); } } } /*************************************************************************************** * importFile fucntion ***************************************************************************************/ Durian.importFile = { js : function(src) { if('function' == typeof jQuery){ if(jQuery('head').size() > 0){ jQuery('head').eq(0).append(''); }else{ document.write(''); } }else{ document.write(''); } }, css : function(src) { if('function' == typeof jQuery){ if(jQuery('head').size() > 0){ jQuery('head').eq(0).append(jQuery('')); }else{ document.write(''); } }else{ document.write(''); } } } /*************************************************************************************** * normal function ***************************************************************************************/ // for flash wizard function flashInfo(id, w, h) { var area = $id(id + '_area'); if (area) { if (id == 'L_CATEGORY_flash' && area.getAttribute('design_type') == '03') { Element.setSize(area, w, h); } else { if (area.getAttribute('inited') != '1') { Element.setSize(area, w, h); area.setAttribute('inited', '1'); } } } var box = $id(id + '_box'); if (box) { Element.setSize(box, w, h); } if (Util.isIE) { Element.setSize(id, w, h); } else { Element.setSize(id + '_embed', w, h); } } /*************************************************************************************** * load event ***************************************************************************************/ $l(window, 'load', Durian.initCommon.init); /***************************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************************** * module js Import ***************************************************************************************/ Durian.importFile.js('/common/js/module/mod.gallery.js'); Durian.importFile.js('/common/js/module/mod.smscounsel.js'); /***************************************************************************************/ mod.gallery.widgetResizeLoad = function(a, b, c) { jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(a).each(function() { var src = jQuery(this).attr('src'); jQuery(this).load(function() { mod.gallery.reSize(this, b, c); jQuery(this).show() }).attr('src',src); }) }) }